昨日西峰底下,走過帝王花開。今日忽然興起,亟欲橫跨開普山脈,駕車遂向東去,朝「卡魯植物園」(Karoo Botanical Garden)出發。最後一瞥,海濱從後視鏡消失,一個鐘頭的快意馳騁,終於在胡格諾隧道之前,捨捷徑繞遠路,只為開普風光。迂迴向上,山脈橫斷天際,群峰競比峻峭,心無眷戀的藍天,白雲起滅蒼穹;翠綠落下,山坡遍佈莊園,醉飲美酒的大地,金黃翻滾田野。這一見的風情,封城以來,值得等待。
Yesterday, beneath the West Peak, I strolled among blooming proteas. Today, a sudden urge took hold, compelling me to cross the Cape Fold Mountains. I set off eastward, heading for the Karoo Botanical Garden. A final glance showed the coastline disappearing in the rear-view mirror. After an hour of exhilarating driving, I reached the Huguenot Tunnel. Yet, I abandoned the shortcut, opting for the longer route to savour the Cape’s scenery. The winding ascent revealed mountains slicing across the horizon, peaks competing in rugged majesty. Above, the sky was an unencumbered blue, where clouds formed and dissolved in vast emptiness. Below, green gave way to vineyards cascading down the slopes, the golden fields rolling like waves on a land intoxicated by wine. This fleeting encounter with the landscape, after the long confinement of lockdowns, was well worth the wait.
Winter has yet to fully depart, but the flowers lining the national road bloom as if spring had already arrived. Reaching the garden, spring’s colours deepened, with vibrant flowers standing tall against the sky. The arid climate of the Karoo, with its sparse rainfall and dramatic temperature swings, produces blooms of extraordinary resilience. Bold and vivid in their lines, authentic and uninhibited in their creation, these flowers, though small, defy the harsh desert and radiate strength through their smiles. The warm afternoon sun bathed the paths, and walking among these smiling flowers infused the observer with their boundless vitality. Children peered at them with wonder, marvelling at their graceful blend of resilience and tenderness. Each blossom seemed to sing a celebration of its own beauty, its splendour quietly overwhelming.
Venturing deeper into the garden, I encountered unfamiliar plants, many marked with the name “Aloe.” Their bizarre shapes and striking colours invited endless imagination. One moment of rapture transported me to the dawn of the universe, seeing this form unchanged for millions of years. In another instant, I returned to the modern world, feeling the vastness of time reduce my presence to insignificance.
I continued slowly, stepping onto a hiking trail. According to the map at the entrance, it would take only thirty minutes to ascend and take in the view. Even here, the arid land was adorned with wildflowers, thriving without human interference. This encounter held its own unique charm, offering a landscape unlike any other. Jagged rocks and thorny plants stretched across the terrain, leaving the world behind. Time seemed to dissolve—was it today or another era? Was I a wandering Wuling villager, stumbling upon a hidden utopia? Perhaps, or perhaps I was a lone desert flower, blooming quietly and fading silently, returning all its beauty to the earth.